Beverages: Corte Alle Mura - 750ml (2024)

Corte Alle Mura - 750ml nutrition facts and ingerients

Corte Alle Mura - 750ml nutrition facts and ingerients

Corte alle mura food facts

Barcode: 8009307016730

Product name: Corte Alle Mura - 750ml

Quantity: 750ml

Packaging info: Glass bottle

Brand list: Corte Alle Mura

Origin country: Red wine from Italy

Categories: Beverages, Alcoholic beverages, Wines, Red wines, 13% red wine

Awards, Labels, Certifications: No Awards data

Distribution stores: No Stores data

Countries of selling: No Selling Countries data

Corte alle mura ingredients

Corte alle mura ingredients

No Ingredients data

Corte alle mura supplements

No Supplements data

Corte alle mura nutrition facts

Corte alle mura nutrition facts

No Nutrition Facts data